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Repair Services
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Restore your computer's peak performance with our repair services, covering hardware and software issues.
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Revitalize your smartphone with our repair solutions, from cracked screens to software troubleshooting.
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Efficient repair services for tablets, fixing issues like shattered screens and faulty components.
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Game on confidently with our console repair services, addressing hardware and software glitches.
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Extend gadget life with our electronic repair expertise, covering a variety of devices.
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Elevate your business's digital infrastructure with our comprehensive IT services, from helpdesk support to cybersecurity.
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Our Achievements
Recognized for excellence, Creative IT is a trusted leader in electronics repair. Our awards and satisfied customers speak volumes about our commitment to superior service. Choose us for a standout repair experience.
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100K +
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Repairs Completed
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Years Established
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Welcome to Our Electronics Repair Hub!
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- Explore our expert services for computer, smartphone, tablet, and console repairs. Our extensive spare parts inventory ensures a swift turnaround for all your repair needs.
- To receive a quote, provide the make and model of your device along with a brief issue description. Our dedicated team will promptly respond to your inquiry.
- Exciting news! Our FREE collection/delivery service is available throughout Ireland, making our repair services easily accessible. Additional charges may apply based on your location. Specify if you'd like us to pick up your faulty device and return it post-repair
- At Creative IT, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch electronics repair services across Ireland. Your satisfaction is our priority!
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We’re here to help. Let’s talk.
- Prefer a phone call? We’ll connect you with the right person. Our Customer service team are here and ready to help
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Chat Link
Opening Hours
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: 044 93 81033
: Chat With Us
: Castle St., Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 H73C
: Monday to Saturday, 9 am – 6 pm.
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Call : 044 93 81033
Chat Link : Chat With Us
Address : Castle St., Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 H73C
Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday, 9 am – 6 pm.
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Explore a hassle-free electronics repair experience with our four-step process:
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Our expert technicians use advanced tools to pinpoint issues accurately, laying the foundation for effective solutions.
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Transparent pricing is our commitment. Receive a clear, detailed quote post-diagnostics—no hidden fees, just fair costs.
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Our skilled technicians, armed with quality spare parts, swiftly restore your device to optimal functionality.
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Post-repair, our dedicated support team ensures your satisfaction, addressing any questions or issues promptly.
Trust Creative IT for a seamless journey from diagnostics to ongoing support in electronics repair.
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Have a device that needs to be repaired?
Trust Creative IT for swift and reliable electronics repair services. Our skilled technicians and transparent process ensure a hassle-free experience. Click below to get in touch and let us restore your device to optimal functionality.
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